MODULE 1: Developing positive, long-lasting relationships with your new neighbors, and becoming a valued person in the neighborhood.
• Homebuyer(s) transition smoothly into their new neighborhood.
• Homeowner(s) keeps up curb appeal of their home.
• Homeowner(s) is a respectful neighbor.
• Habitat Flathead gets no complaints from neighbors.
Mentor and Homebuyer(s):
Review and discuss cirriculum.
Discuss personal experiences in neighborhoods.
Discuss neighborhood noise levels.
Discuss curb appeal and property values.
Discuss the importance of everyone keeping their homes looking nice and how that affects property values and culture of neighborhood.
Mentor asks questions to confirm understanding.
How to be A Good Neighbor Guide (HFHFV compilation guide)
New Home, Now What? Module 4. Helping your Community Thrive (Homewise)