MODULE 1: Developing positive, long-lasting relationships with your new neighbors, and becoming a valued person in the neighborhood.

• Homebuyer(s) transition smoothly into their new neighborhood.

• Homeowner(s) keeps up curb appeal of their home.

• Homeowner(s) is a respectful neighbor.

• Habitat Flathead gets no complaints from neighbors.

Mentor and Homebuyer(s):

  • Review and discuss cirriculum.

  • Discuss personal experiences in neighborhoods.

  • Discuss neighborhood noise levels.

  • Discuss curb appeal and property values.

  • Discuss the importance of everyone keeping their homes looking nice and how that affects property values and culture of neighborhood.

Mentor asks questions to confirm understanding.


How to be A Good Neighbor Guide (HFHFV compilation guide)

New Home, Now What? Module 4. Helping your Community Thrive (Homewise)