MODULE 5: Building and sharing a 'Family Emergency Preparedness Plan'.

Homeowner(s) has a 'Family Emergency Preparedness Plan' that includes evaculation plan, fire escape plan, family communication plan, disaster supply kit, etc., and has explained it to their household members.

• Homeowner(s) has an Family Emergency Preparedness Plan: including evacuaction plan, fire escape plan, family communication plan, a pet plan, disaster supply kit, etc.

• Homebuyer(s) has proof of insurance.

• Homebuyer(s) has list of emergency phone numbers in their mobile phones and/or posted somewhere in house.

Mentor and Homebuyer(s):

  • Review and discuss curriculum.

  • Review and discuss different kinds of emergencies and how to be prepared.

  • Review and discuss Homeowner(s)'s plan.

  • Review and discuss list of who to call in case of fire and other disasters.

Mentor asks questions to confirm understanding.


HFH Emergency Preparedness Module

Emergency Preparedness and Planning (HBEC)

List of emergency phone numbers