MODULE 3: What are healthy financial habits? Incorporating smart financial habits into your daily life.
• Homebuyer(s) begins budgeting for a six-month emergency fund.
• Homebuyer(s) practices healhy financial habits.
Outcome 3. Homebuyer(s) can identify what financial habits are important to building financial resiliance and prepardness. Homebuyer(s) incorporates healthy financial habits into their daily life, and builds savings for planned and unplanned expenses.
Mentor and Homebuyer(s):
Review and discuss cirriculum.
Discuss what financial preparedness and resiliance mean.
Discuss savings and budgeting for a six-month emergency fund.
Mentor asks questions to confirm understanding.
Building Financial Resilience (HFHEBSV)
Healthy Financial Habits (HFHEBSV)
Financial Preparedness (HBEC)